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So, Gingrich...You Again;
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Jan, 19, 2012
Kristina Peterson and Danny Yadron
The Wall Street Journal
Page: 1
Topic : Politics & Government
Title: Some S.C. Conservatives Grow More Wary of Gingrich

CURRENT POLLS: Gingich gained five percent whilst romney, lost five.

-South Carolinians tend to vote for the winner, and Mitt Romney seemed to be winning.
( Although,m Gingrich says 'people power' over 'money power', a crucial hit to Romney's wealth.)

?"Conservative voters cast a disapproving eye on GOP candidate Newt Gingrich."

Right after the marriage scandal about him wanting an open relationship aside from his third wife

Thursday’s ABC News interview with Mr. Gingrich’s ex-wife, Marianne Gingrich, reinforced their concerns over his values. In the interview, to be aired tonight after the GOP presidential debate, Ms. Gingrich said her then-husband had requested an “open marriage” that would allow him to continue an affair with Callista Bisek, now his third wife.

Gingrich seemed fed up with the attacks on his wife and himself, and exasperated exclaimed about how his daughters already written a letter about the actuality of this situation.

"“My two daughters have already written a letter to ABC complaining about this as tawdry and inappropriate."


I don't know what to think.
I have not learned anything new about the candidates, much aside from the polling.

The polling is absurd in my opinion and i believe other people would probably think the same thing. But then again republicans are infamous from their poll favors.

The author of this article seemed a little uncaring about the entire situation, but overall showed a slight distaste for it completely. But that might just be me reading it after hearing it so many times.

In real time, the polls are just a digit and so will the the delegates when it comes to south carolina. Everyone seems to be scared and scrambling, i don't see any confidence from anyone, so i guess we'll just have to see until the polls actually come out.

Rick Perry and himself; A me, myself and I ;;

The Economist
Page: 1
Topic : Politics & Government
Title: Man v himself

"Such a misstep could happen to anyone"

His doom is sealed;javascript:void(0)
What got rick perry into the gutter?

- poor debating, because it didn't just happen to anyone.

Questions about whether he's bumbing his head on his intelligent ceiling.

He was always tied or behind Ron paul, riding on his heels the entire republican GOP debate and in polls.

He's virtually attacked by everyone then he was forgotten and left to sit and watch everyone else. ( Much like we do watching them through the computer screen)

His polls started off normal, then went down.

he was always challenged by everyone on his policies.


I think that he was unlucky.
When he spoke i don't think that he really say anything very important to make the vcters stick with him until then end. I think that he was vaguely repetitive but not so much of a flip flopped like romnye turned out to but.

But the thing is that he wasn't very memorable in the first place and said things that go people to dislike him
Especially the messages he sent out in his adds we're very likeable.

I don;t think he's going to last past South Carolina, and i think that the author of this article thinks the same, putting up a chart with Perry's polls going down, down, down.

"AS FAR as Rick Perry's brain freeze, I agree with my colleagues that the media frenzy has been a little extreme."

The Early Show ( Video # 6)


( sorry the video could not be embed.)

"Let me be quite clear. The story is false. Every personal friend I have who knew us in that period says the story was false."

With Gingrich ahead, this flunder was a 'must-see'.

He finished at the bottom or near the bottom in new hamshire and in iowa, but is not the runner up.

( Scary how he got up so high, so very quickly. I wonder if he's paying people off. Haha! )

He attacked the media, but he and his staff actually decided to answer the question?

Mitt Romney, happily married 52 years.

They challenged him on the H.O.R. and what he actually knew, thinking that it was something that he was just saying to get ahead.

They tried to make Romney's successfulness a detriment, but he just says that there is no reason for that to happen.


I loved the way that romney had answered he questions thrown at him, but i really disliked how Newt blew up at the questions about his wife. People may think that he has the reason to, but honestly, i think it's saying something bad.

Voting is close, and this seems to have everyone shocked and at the edge of their sheets.

Too bad, like i said before that Huntsman dropped out, he could have sat along for the proverbial ride. Maybe to see either Romney or Gingrich crash and burn.

Compared to the other videos, i'm seeing more and more sides of Romney, but seeing the very same side of Gingrich that i say back in November or Decemeber. They say that he's changed, but i still see someone who is completely thrown off.

Meet the Press ( Video #5 ) / October

He basically said that everything has changed since he grew up
The path is paved differently.

Talked about his plans, but not really...
/summary over.


This video has me wondering why Ron Paul hasn't just dropped out of the presidential campaign yet. Nothing wrong, just wondering what's keeping him in. His polls aren't very high, and in South Carolina, i'm doubting that he'd make an impression.

He talks in complete circles and talks about virtually nothing, which is what i don't get. ( also don't know how anyone can actually listen to him speak, he gave me a literal headache.)

In real action, i don't think he's going to get very far in south carolina.
He might get lucky, put i don't remember him really on the polls any time recently.

ABC News ( Video # 4 ) / 4 weeks prior Iowa

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If Newt had won 3 or 4 of the races, he'd be unstoppable.

Gingrich once topped the polls.

Voters in Iowa thought that he was their winner.

He has 'electability'.

---Mitt Romney was nervous about Gingrich's rise.
Thought that he would self-destruct as things continued.

They can't wait for the media to decide this for them.

This is why everyone has been attacking Newt Gingrich.

If newt didn't put up a series of resources that Mitt had nothing to worry about, except they'd have lot to worry about if he did in fact.


Currently Romney seems to be fumbling.
Looking at an old video from December, helps me see this.

Now i see how desperate Romney was, when before when i wrote the summaries for articles, i thought that he was rather composed.

Maybe this is biased?

I think Gingrich is becoming stronger, i mean he stuck up with it until all the way to south carolina, whilst Bachmann, Cain, Perry and Huntsman all dropped out when the pressure became tough. I give it up to his stubborness.

I know that Romney is feeling the pressure too, but i still think that he's doing a good job even though he's /still/ flip flopping in his interviews and debates.

The Daily Show ( Video #3 )

Perry decides to suddenly quit the race, and endorse Gingrich, seemly not caring about remembering anything else having to do with presidential campaign.
( Haha, Colbert 'ran' for president and got 13% the first week! I think they're trying to say anyone will do really.)
(Perry speaks as if he doesn't care here.)

As soon as this happens. ( the skys weren't so clear.)
Newt's wife came before a speaker, ( haha, he had no time for a VICTORY affair.)
The second wife of his three wives.

She exclaimed that he said he wanted a open marriage.

( His previous wife has cancer, and he gave her divorce papers. His second wife has multiple sclerosis, and he fed her the papers too.)

Newt is 'freaker of spouse.'


Haha, Newt Gingrich can't seem to catch a break from his wives.
They just keep... popping up, as you say.

Newt though was smart and spun this to his favor.

I believe that this thing with the wives was a detriment for a while to Gingrich, that and the fact that Romney gave him bad business from the negative ads, but now i don't really think it'll cut him so far into the race. He's still going strong though i fear.

In real action, there won't be much of a change in votes.

Dylan Ratigan ( Video # 2 )

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- Gingrich is trying to distance himself from his ex-wifes claims about wanting an open relationship.
( he blames the press about trying to forward this 'false' information.)

-About the remaining for campaigns, Ron Paul being the most significant but the most rendered in growth.
-If Gingrich had about ten million (possible) he could compete against Romney. (Unseen because it's so close, Gingrich being 85%)

Problems for Mitt Romney in South Carolina

- Tea partiers don't like not trust him, and think he's a flip-flopper and for gay marriage.
He's just not them.

They like a sinner, because they admit that he's a sinner.
Newt Gingrich is more like them.


I have low expectations for South Carolina, i believe that this could go any way.
I mean, Obama ( the 'unprecedented' president ) didn't even win South Carolina when he ran for president.

I think that, just as Dylan Ritigan says, that if Obama actually gets his message and his 'energy' out there about employment and such he has his chances to win.

I think that the people care more about these issues, the wedge issues as well, than about who did what with their wives. No-one wants someone they can't trust for their president is what i have to say for Gingrich.

"The lesser of two evils."

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